
The New Testament: Its Background and Message, 2nd edition is unavailable, but you can change that!

The influential The New Testament: Its Background and Message provides an excellent, broad-stroke overview of the New Testament, introducing the types of literature found in the New Testament and exploring their background—political, cultural, historical, and religious. In this comprehensive volume, Thomas Lea presents a clear and concise introduction to the New Testament, giving readers the key...

163 B.C.; rivalry and strife among his would-be successors aided the Jews in their quest for freedom. Judas was killed in battle in 160 B.C., and his brother Jonathan received the mantle of leadership. Jonathan wrested further land and freedom from the Syrians. In a surprising move for a Maccabee, he accepted the appointment of the office of high priest from an aspirant to the Syrian throne in 152 B.C. Captured in battle by a Syrian general, Jonathan was put to death in 143 B.C. and was succeeded
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